Membership Policy

  1. Membership shall include only those persons who are permanent members of your household and who are listed on the Membership Application. Documentation may be requested to confirm address.
  2. Membership access may be used only by the person named on the membership. MEMBERSHIPS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. Proof of identification may be required by the pool manager before admission to the Swim Club.
  3. When entering the swim club, members must check in with the gate attendant.
  4. Management has the right to deny access to the swim club to any guest or member.
  5. All members of the Mays Chapel Swim Team are required to be on a family membership at Mays Chapel Swim Club.

Guest Policy

  1. Each membership will be limited to 5 guests per day.  Guests will be limited to 2 guests per day on Memorial Day weekend (5/24/25, 5/25/25, 5/26/25), Independence Day weekend (7/4/25, 7/5/25, 7/6/25), and Labor Day weekend (8/30/25, 8/31/25, 9/1/25). For larger groups, please call the administrative office at 410-785-7665.
  2. Guest fees will be collected at the gate.
  3. In the event of pool closure, refund will be issued to guests who have been at the facility less than 1 hour.
  4. If requested, guests must sign in upon entering the pool facility.
  5. Guests must be accompanied by a member at all times. When the member leaves the pool, the guest must also leave.
  6. The season guest pass can only be used for a guest of a member listed on the membership account which holds the guest pass.
  7. The Season Guest Pass is limited to one use per day. The pass can be used for guests, day care children, or babysitters.
  8. Club members will be held responsible for all actions of their guests. The cost of any property damage by a guest or member will be charged to the member.
  9. For groups larger than 5 guests, please call the administrative office at 410-785-7665 to make arrangements. Groups larger than 5 guests will not be admitted in the pool/pool area without prior approval from the administrative office.

Health Regulations

  1. All persons must comply with posted COVID-19 Safety and Health Regulation requirements.
  2. All persons must shower before entering the pool.
  3. Expectorating, nose blowing, spouting of water, eliminating of body wastes and unhygienic acts into the pool are prohibited.
  4. Admission shall be refused to all persons having infectious disease, sore or inflamed eyes, colds, nasal or ear discharges, excessive sunburn, open sores, or bandages of any kind.
  5. No pets are allowed in the pool area at any time.
  6. In the event of vomit, blood and/or fecal contamination, pool will be closed in accordance with Health Department regulations.
  7. When changing a child’s diaper, please use the diaper changing station located in the family bathroom.


  1. All persons included on the membership and their guests agree to abide by the regulations listed and any additional rules posted and administered by the Manager/Staff. They further agree to accept the penalties for infraction of those rules and regulations.
  2. If a member elects to drop their membership, there will be no refund.
  3. Parent/Guardian agrees to allow the Manager/Staff to assign and enforce appropriate punishment for their child’s rule infraction.
  4. Members and their guests agree to be responsible for the cost of all medical expenses incurred for injuries sustained while using the facilities of the Swim Club and members assume the sole responsibility of any first aid treatment sought and received from the Swim Club including, but not limited to, allergenic reaction to first aid remedies rendered. We request that you bring your medicine or allergic reaction kits with you to the Swim Club for bee stings, etc.
  5. Members agree to be personally responsible for all personal items.
  6. As a member or a guest of the Swim Club, you grant permission to use photographs, images and/or videos taken for use in materials that include, but may not be limited to, printed brochures, newsletter, videos and digital images for the website and social media pages.


  1. The Swim Club reserves the right to rescind membership for major or continued rule infraction at any time with no refund.
  2. Penalties for unsafe conduct (to self and others), destruction of property, littering, unpaid or unregistered guests and resisting authority will be in accordance with severity and repetitiveness of the acts.
  3. There will be a $25.00 fee charged for any returned checks.
  4. Misrepresentation of family members or misuse of membership access will result in termination of Swim Club membership without refund.


  1. Overflow parking should be on Roundwood Road, and not in the neighborhoods across the street or the assisted-living center next to the pool.
  2. Parking in areas listed above may result in towing by the community.

Adult Pool Area

  1. No one under the age of 18 is permitted in this area at any time.

General Policy

  1. The lifeguard must be on duty and the pool officially open before any user is allowed in the water.
  2. All persons using the pool or pool area do so at their own risk and sole responsibility. Management does not assume responsibility for any accident or injury in connection with such use.
  3. The patrons agree to save harmless the Mays Chapel Swim Club, L.L.C., its Officers, Board of Directors, Management of Mays Chapel Swim Club, and the employees of Mays Chapel Swim Club from any and all liabilities and/or action of any patron resulting from the use of the swimming pool or pool area.
  4. The cost of any property damage will be charged to the responsible party.
  5. Management will not be responsible for loss of or damage to any personal property of any kind. Lost and found items will be discarded biweekly.
  6. The pool may be closed at any time due to mechanical breakdown, operational difficulties, inclement weather, special Club events or other appropriate circumstances. No dues or part thereof shall be refunded in the event that pool operations are required to be suspended for any period. The decision is at the sole discretion of Management.
  7. Wearing proper bathing attire is required. Street shoes, sneakers, flip-flops, cut-offs, jeans, skirts, sport bras, leotards, leggings, thongs, compression shorts, boxers, underwear, or indiscreet attire at the discretion of management is not permitted in the pool.
  8. All radios must be kept at a low volume.
  9. No abusive/profane language or breach of the peace will be tolerated. There will be a zero-tolerance policy regarding profane language, the use of which will result in immediate ejection from the pool by Management.
  10. Baby strollers and wheelchairs are not permitted within five feet of the activity pool, lap pool, and adult pool.
  11. All beverages or food brought into the pool area must be in paper or plastic containers and be consumed in designated areas. No glass of any kind is permitted. All trash must be disposed of in a trash container.
  12. No glass of any kind is permitted on the Swim Club grounds.
  13. Snorkels, fins, and scuba diving equipment will not be allowed in the pool.  Fins will be permitted for lap swimming only.
  14. Noodles will be allowed if utilized in a safe manner and at Management’s discretion.
  15. Running, pushing, wrestling, or causing undue disturbance will not be permitted on the Swim Club grounds or in the pool.
  16. All personal injuries, however slight, must be reported to the Manager.
  17. Other than special events, no alcoholic beverages may be brought into the pool area during normal hours of operation.
  18. Chewing gum is not permitted in the pool area at any time.
  19. Reserving chairs, lounges, tables, etc. is not permitted.
  20. Personal umbrellas are not permitted.
  21. Management requires all umbrellas to be down during high wind alert.
  22. Café tables are reserved for eating only.
  23. Smoking is prohibited on the Mays Chapel Swim Club property which includes, but not limited to, the pool area and the parking lot.
  24. Cellular phone, phone camera, camera, and video camera use is strictly prohibited in all public locker, shower and changing areas. Anyone found to be in violation of this policy will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and banned from the facility. This policy may require the staff to question any patron at the facility that they have reason to believe is in possession of one of these items. This is for each member’s protection as cellular phone technology allows individuals to take photographs without consent.
  25. All persons use this facility at their own risk and in accordance with all rules and regulations. Individuals may be barred from the pool or pool area at the discretion of the Manager for violation of said rules or for any other reason which in his/her judgment constitutes inappropriate conduct or a hazard to others or to the Management.
  26. Each membership is limited to one pavilion rental per summer.
  27. Patrons shall refrain from prolonged periods of Public Displays of Affection (PDA).  An unacceptable period of PDA is at the discretion of management.
  28. Management reserves the right to change the rules and regulations without prior notice to members.


  1. Parent/Guardian must closely watch children at all times. Parent/Guardian must accompany a non-swimmer in the water within arm’s reach at all times.
  2. Parent/Guardian is solely responsible for assessing and knowing their child’s swimming ability. Parent/Guardian is solely responsible for approaching the manager if they feel the child’s swimming ability needs to be assessed.
  3. Children under 10 years of age must be accompanied by and supervised by a member or designated guest 16 years of age or older who is to be present at all times.
  4. Parent/Guardian will be responsible for the safety of their children when they are using the pool facilities.
  5. Parent/Guardian of children must remove all toys and debris of any type upon request of the pool manager.
  6. Parent/Guardian must accompany children 5 years of age and under and non-swimmers in the bathroom at all times.
  7. Children 6 years of age and over must use gender appropriate bathroom. A family bathroom is available for children 6 years of age and over who require parental/guardian assistance.

Toddler Pool

  1. This pool is intended for the use and enjoyment of younger children and their parents/guardians. Running, pushing, wrestling, or causing undue disturbance will not be tolerated. Older children who act inappropriately or jeopardize the safety of infants and toddlers will be asked to leave the toddler pool area.
  2. Infants and children wearing diapers or who are not toilet trained shall be permitted in the toddler pool. In the event of fecal contamination, pool will be closed in accordance with Health Department regulations.
  3. Parent/Guardian must accompany a non-swimmer in the water at all times.
  4. Parent/Guardian must accompany children in the toddler pool area at all times.
  5. Play toys and artificial flotation devises will be permitted in this pool only with adult supervision and at the discrepancy of Management.
  6. Children 10 years of age and older are not permitted to use the toddler pool.

Lap Pool

  1. In the lap pool (including shallow area) inner tubes, water wings and all other flotation devices are not permitted at any time. For safety purposes, only a life vest approved by the United States Coast Guard is to be used. If a child uses such a life vest, a parent or guardian must accompany the child in the water within arm’s reach at all times.
  2. In order to swim in the lap pool without a parent/guardian, children under the age of 12 must pass a swim assessment. Children who cannot pass the swim assessment will be permitted in the 4ft. area ONLY and must be accompanied in the water within arm’s reach of a parent/guardian.
  3. The swim assessment consists of a continuous 25-meter swim using the front crawl and tread water for 1 minute with entire head above water.
  4. Infants and children wearing diapers or who are not toilet trained shall not be permitted in the lap pool.
  5. Lap lane is for lap swimming only.
  6. Hanging on lane lines is prohibited.
  7. Front flips are permitted off the diving board, but back dives and back flips are not permitted.
  8. Front Flips and back flips from the side of the pool are not permitted.
  9. Only one person is allowed on the diving board at a time. Patron using the diving board must wait on the deck until the person in the water reaches the ladder. Only one bounce is permitted. Children are NOT allowed to jump to their parent/guardian off the diving board. No flotation devices are allowed while jumping from the board. No diving or jumping toward walls will be permitted.
  10. General swimming is permitted in the diving area only when diving board is closed and only at manager’s discretion.
  11. Priority use of the deep end area is for the diving board.

Activity Pool

  1. Infants and children wearing diapers or who are not toilet trained shall be permitted in the activity pool. In the event of fecal contamination, pool will be closed in accordance with Health Department regulations.
  2. Parent/Guardian must accompany a non-swimmer in the water at all times. Parent/Guardian must accompany a non-swimmer in the water within arm’s reach at all times.
  3. In the activity pool (including shallow area) inner tubes, water wings and all other flotation devices are not permitted at any time. For safety purposes, only a life vest approved by the United States Coast Guard is to be used. If a child uses such a life vest, a parent or guardian must accompany the child in the water at all times.

Lazy River

  1. Access to lazy river is only by transfer point.
  2. No climbing or sitting on the wall in the lazy river.
  3. No jumping into lazy river from side of pool.
  4. No diving anywhere in the river.
  5. Patrons must follow direction of current at all times.
  6. No standing or walking on lazy river walls.
  7. Patrons should not block the progress of other users.

Water Slide

  1. Follow lifeguard’s instruction.
  2. All Riders must be at least 48” tall.
  3. Riders must lie on their backs at all times. No sitting up while riding the slide is permitted.
  4. Maximum rider weight is 300 pounds.
  5. Do not pull or propel yourself into the ride.
  6. No combs or foreign objects are allowed in pockets and no jewelry can be worn while riding the slide. No cut-off jeans, only approved swim wear allowed.
  7. Riders must enter the slide in a sitting position and wait for instructions from the guard stationed at the slide starter tub.
  8. All riders must ride feet first while lying on their back with arms crossed across their stomach. No running, standing, kneeling, rotating, tumbling, or stopping in the flume. Arms and hands must remain inside the flume.
  9. Only one rider at a time. Absolutely no trains or chains of riders are permitted.
  10. No tubes, mats, noodles, or life vests are permitted on the water slide.
  11. Riders must be in good health. Individuals with medical conditions including, but not limited to, pregnancy, heart or back problems should not ride this.
  12. Do not use this slide while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  13. No diving from the slides.
  14. Leave the plunge pool promptly after entering.
  15. Non-swimmers not permitted.
  16. Warning: Water depth is 3 feet 6 inches.

Failure to follow rules can result in serious injury.

Revised 1/1/2025